




Wednesday 11/11, 10-7 PM (Teenagers 15-18+)

Friday 11/13, 10-7 PM (All Roles- see below)

Saturday 11/14, 10-7 PM (Callbacks Only)



BreakThrough Casting

Beacon, NY 



email:  johanna@breakthroughcasting.com

subject line:  SDT Auditions



-current selfie (without filters)

-contact info 

-city based

-age and DOB

-height, weight, hair & eye color

-media links showcasing your personality and/or acting work (if available)

-preferred audition date and time



REVISED BREAKDOWN (see age range for kids and NEW ADULT ROLES)


SAG Modified Low Budget Feature

Director: Kevin Phillips

Producers: Jett Steiger, Richard Peete

Writers: Ben Collins, Luke Piotrowski

Production:  Neighborhood Watch Films + Team G

Casting Director:  BreakThrough Casting  (LOCAL PRINCIPAL CASTING)

Shoot dates: starts 11/19 for 4 to 5 weeks *(see roles, shoot days subject to change)

Location:  Kingston, NY and surrounding vicinities

Rate:  SAG MLB scale ($335/8 hours)




A horrible accident causes a tectonic shift between high school best friends Zach and Josh, spiraling them in different directions. Set in 1990’s suburbia, Super Dark Times is a thriller that explores the twilight zone between adolescence and adulthood, lust and love, bravery and fear, good and evil. 

Director Kevin Phillips’ short proof of concept TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL,  premiered at Cannes this year.  Click or copy/paste links below to learn more:




Must look 16-18 years (legal 18 ideal), Caucasian Male.  Older, overweight and a collosal moron.  He is from a lower income family and lives in a duplex by “the pipeline”, while the others live in single family homes.  Daryl enjoys such activities as writing “LOSER” on backpacks, giving “swirlys” to the new kids and searching for old porno magazines in the garbage behind his house.  He is impulsive, has a big mouth and speaks before he thinks.  Daryl would never fight someone bigger than him, and can be instantly submissive if it will save his butt.  *(shoots 20 days)




Must look 15-16 years (legal 18 ideal), Caucasian Male.  A slight, sharp-eyed kid. He is DARYL’s friend from the nearby Callaway Middle School.  He meets JOSH and ZACH and is accepted into their group.  A master of deadpan sarcasm, Charlie has no qualms about backing down from a dare or a fight, and can tolerate DARYL’S “sense of humor” and even jokes along occasionally.  However, when witnessing a horrific event, he prefers to pretend he never saw anything, and is deadly serious about this pretense.  *(shoots 18 days)



Male, Caucasian, 24 yrs old.  Allison’s annoying older brother.  Kind at heart, but masks it with a machismo bravado and always manages to be smoking, DENNIS is a moron who looks like a blue-collar worker.  The typical older brother who interrupts your phone calls and hassles you and your friends.  He has a very hardened exterior and likes to pick on Allison. However when it comes down to it, he cares very deeply for his little sister.  *(shoots 10-12 days)



Female, must look 14 -15 years (legal 18 ideal), any ethnicity. ALLISON’s best friend.  She is not the most popular girl in school, but is still popular.  Warm, complicated, intelligent and from a well-off family, REBCCA throws a hip high school party at her house for Allison’s birthday while her parents are out of town.  She enjoys a bit of trouble and isn’t afraid to try new things.  She may have a crush on Josh (LEAD) or maybe she’s just using him for his ‘connections’.  *(shoots 7 days)



30s, Caucasian Female.  Josh’s (LEAD) mother.  Overworked and underpaid.  One of those mothers who always looks weary.  She loves Josh, but does not always have the time for him.  She likes Zach and considers him a good friend for Josh.  She does NOT allow shoes in the house.  *(shoots 4 days)


Caucasian Male, 40s. The owner of the local convenience store. He knows his regular customers around the neighborhood and has taken a special liking towards Zach.  He doesn’t understand why Zach hangs out with ‘losers’ and doesn’t have a girlfriend. While he is nice, perhaps his morals are a bit skewed — he has no qualms about selling cigarettes to kids.  *(shoots 2 days)


Must look 15-16 years (legal 18 ideal), Caucasian Male. Defined in high school by the hip Kool-Aid blue streak in his hair.  He is technically a middle schooler, but has the privilege of hanging-out with the seniors. He’s shorter, punkish and perhaps known to smoke a ton of weed.  He is not in the same social group as ZACH & JOSH however they sometimes attend the same parties and have classes together, and he’s always nice to them.  *(shoots 2 days)



Must look 15-16 years (legal 18 ideal), African-American Male.  He has alot of confidence and  swagger, very cool, probably left behind a grade.  Tall and lanky, probably a basketball player and can levitate.  *(shoots 2 days)


Must look 16-17 years (legal 18 ideal), Male Caucasian.  Techno goth, just as it sounds and  the more hard core the better.  He gets sent to the Principal’s office for yelling at the Librarian and throwing a box of crayons across the room.  *(shoots 2 days)




Must look 17-18 years, (legal 18 ideal) Caucasian Male, high school senior.  CHAD is the leader of the pack of “Jockey-Douchebags”.  A highschool dropout, CHAD can often be found under the bleachers with his cronies smoking a doobie or drinking PBR.  He bullies ZACH and JOSH when they mistakenly take a shortcut by the football field.  His lack of respect also extends to his girlfriend, whom he refers to in the crassest of terms.  *(shoots 1 day)




20s, Female Caucsian.  Kind and compassionate, she is the token “hot” teacher in the school.  Ms. Barron wakes up Zach (LEAD) after he falls asleep in her class.  *(shoots 1 day)



50s-60s Caucasian Male, REAL TEACHER, he teaches AP History, wears glasses, has a beard, well spoken, unique and crotchety.  *(shoots 1 day)




30s, Caucasian Male.  REAL TEACHER, young guy, wears glasses, wants to do right by the students.  A teacher who talks to Allison (LEAD) after class in the hallway, most likely about that paper that was due two days ago…  *(shoots 1 day)



50s-60s Caucasian Male.  A friendly, soft and emotional princial.  *(shoots 1 day)



40-50’s Caucasian Female, interacts with Zach (LEAD) when he tries to find his buddy Josh (LEAD) as he’s worried about his whereabouts and state of mind, after a tragic accident occured.  *(shoots 1 day)


[GUY 1 ]

LEGAL 18 to play 15-17, Caucasian Male.  This group gossips about the current state of affairs of disappearances and shocking behaviors with students.  *(shoots 1 day)


[GUY 2]

LEGAL 18 to play 15-17, Caucasian Male.  This group gossips about the current state of affairs of disappearances and shocking behaviors with students.  *(shoots 1 day)


[GIRL 1]

LEGAL 18 to play 15-17, Caucasian Female. Quick on the tongue, sharper and more astute than  GUY #1 who’s she’s coupled with.  This group gossips about the current state of affairs of disappearances and shocking behaviors with students.  *(shoots 1 day)


[GIRL 2]

LEGAL 18 to play 15-17, Caucasian Female. This group gossips about the current state of affairs of disappearances and shocking behaviors with students.  *(shoots 1 day)


[GIRL 3]

LEGAL 18 to play 15-17, Caucasian Female.  This group gossips about the current state of affairs of disappearances and shocking behaviors with students.  *(shoots 1 day)



13 yrs old, Caucasian Male. Goofy look, contemptible kid in Middle School.  He walks into the bathroom Zach (LEAD) is in, sees him crying, and proceeds to make fun of him until Zach’s had enough.  *(shoots 1 day)



Must look 17-18 years (legal 18 ideal), Male Caucasian. Large and Bulky. A Senior that bumps into Daryl and does not appreciate Daryl’s retort.  He’s the guy that will stick gum in your hair to impress his Junior girlfriend.  Or give you a swirly.  *(shoots 1 day)



40s-50s Male Caucasian, charcacter faces a plus.  These officers are continually returning to the school where strange occurences and disappearances of students take place.  *(shoots 1 day)



30s-40s Male , charcacter faces a plus.  These officers are continually returning to the school where strange occurences and disappearances of students take place.  *(shoots 1 day)



Must look 16 years (legal 18 ideal), Caucasian Female, wears way too much makeup, salacious, kind of a bad girl.  *(shoots 1 day)

