*Direct Booking ONLY: self-tapes/headshots/resumes/reels
*Submissions without self-tapes WILL NOT be considered.
*Deadline to submit is 9PM Monday, 9/4/17. Submission and self-tape instructions are found below.
CLIENT: NYS Office of Victim Services
PRODUCER: Joseph Walsh
CASTING DIRECTOR: BreakThrough Casting
DATE: Tuesday, 9/26/17
USAGE: Internal + Website Only (FULL BUYOUT)
RATE: $500/4 hrs + 10% agency fee + $50 travel stipend
This is a series of videos that will shoot over the course of the year and will be used as training modules to educate employees to assist people who are filing claims.
Female, 30s-50s, any ethnicity, STRONG ACTOR WITH GREAT MEMORIZATION SKILLS who can effectively prepare a 2 minute script (NOT MEMORIZING THE NIGHT BEFORE SHOOT), fully performed and in character. Must embody qualities of one who is very caring with lots of compassion and has a personable quality, as if having a natural conversation with the viewer. Actors with a personal connection to crime victimization will be strongly considered. This first video is an introductory overview of the agency. There will be a series of steadicam moves involved, so MEMORIZATION OF THE SCRIPT IS KEY. However, we will be shooting in fragments, so talent will NOT have to deliver the entire script from start to finish in one take. Teleprompter can be provided if necessary. Please note, this is on-going work for the best talent suited for this project, as it is a series of training modules. Rates for future videos will fluctuate to reflect the scope of work required by talent.
*Deadline to submit 9PM Monday, 9/4/17
- name/email/cell/agency (if applicable)
- ATTACH current headshot/resume/LINKS to reels (MANDATORY)
- ATTACH self-tape – Downloadable Links (wetransfer/dropbox/google docs/etc.) Preferred (see audition copy below)
- slate (name and agency, if applicable or state “Self-rep”)
- state current height, weight AND location base (MANDATORY)
- state, “I confirm that I am able to self-report to Albany, NY”
- perform MEMORIZED copy below:
In 1966, the murder of a Good Samaritan left his wife unable to support their baby. She sent their daughter overseas to live with her grandmother. From this tragedy, the New York State Crime Victims Compensation Board was established, to ensure crime victims and their families could get the help they needed to rebuild their lives.
This agency, now known as The New York State Office of Victim Services, has assisted thousands of individuals on their journey from victim to survivor. Its mission: to provide financial compensation to innocent victims of crime, to advocate for their rights, and to fund a network of victim assistance programs across the state that provide direct services to men, women and children.
Because of OVS, there is counseling and crisis intervention, emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence, legal help with custody and support, advocacy, and so much more.
Crime doesn’t discriminate. Victims come from every community, every walk of life. Advocates meet those unique needs, every day. The New York State Office of Victim Services is here.
Help, healing and hope for crime victims since 1966.
Additionally, if you have a personal connection with crime victimization and feel comfortable sharing with us, please tell us about your experience (1-2 minutes). This is not mandatory.
EMAIL: dana@breakthroughcasting.com